A new beginning!
Our launch of a new online store is to cater to home and DIY users.
Our earlier online store is www.emitonlinestore.com (established 4 years ago). We had to switch eCommerce platforms as the technical difficulties in managing the earlier platform is too time-consuming. We felt that our time would be put to better use in focusing on helping customers and not managing technical glitches.
Our online store is new but the company has been around for more than 30 years.
We do operate a brick & mortar shop at 3021 Ubi Ave 2, #04-193 S(408897).
Having a brick & mortar shop in Singapore, you can be assured of our commitment and quality. At any time, we can be contacted if you require any help or queries on our products.
New Online Store Logo
Our Online Store logo features an Ant.
It depicts the hardworking resilient mindset of our company and people.
The star and mount represent our strive for excellence and be a shining star in the industry.
Nothing comes easy in life without putting any effort.
Such a little thing we call the ant,
It seems he has no word for “can’t”.
They’ll climb up over, around, and through,
It seems there is nothing ants can’t do.
They never quit, they never stay,
They always find another way
to get to where they need to go;
I wonder how they seem to know.
This bug so small, this tiny speck.
Can teach us all how to earn respect.
10/19/05 Gary Bryson