Bedbugs Control
Bedbugs Control
You wake up in the middle of the night and feeling itchy all over. The next morning, you find blood stains on the bed sheets and red itchy patches on your body.
Looks like you are having a bedbug infestation.
Here, we will give you a guide on how to deal with these unwanted visitors. We want to be realistic, solving bedbug problems takes time and effort.
Treating bed bugs is complex. Your likelihood of success depends on many factors, including:
- How many bed bugs you have;
- How much clutter is available for hiding places;
- Whether your neighbors have bedbugs; and
- Getting rid of bed bugs completely can take weeks to months, depending on the nature and extent of the infestation. To be successful, everyone will need to cooperate and do their part.
These are the usual scenarios that we received when people call us to deal with bedbugs problem.
If below don't solve your problem. Send us an email and attached a few pictures to illustrate your case. We will recommend the best solution.
Often, this is the starting of infestation and should treatment should start immediately before the bedbugs mature and lay eggs. The bedbugs may have been brought in from cinemas, buses, taxi.... Remember, bedbugs don't discriminate, they view everyone of us as a food source.
"Minor Infestation".
How to treat?
Most likely the infestation is contained within the bed and surrounding area. The bedbugs have not started mass reproduction and once you eliminate the few bedbugs, you are probably going to be safe.Chances are this is a "Intermediate infestation".
How to treat?
Most likely the infestation is spread to the entire room and maybe adjoining rooms. The bedbugs have started reproduction and chances are if you do not start treatment immediately, they entire house will be infested and lead to "Serious Infestation".
You have a serious infestation and this is gonna take some effort to get rid of the infestation.
Please use Enta bedbug sachet. Open the outer aluminium foil. Take the sachet and rub it all over the luggage especially at the seams. Reinsert the sachet back into the aluminum foil and place it inside the luggage.
Minor Infestation- Treat one room.
Intermediate Infestation-Treat adjoining rooms too.
Serious Infestation - Treat the whole house.
SUMMARY (10 Important Steps!)
1. Declutter your place. (** Most important!)
2. Place all bed sheets, pillow cases, blankets into a large bag and send it for washing at high heat to get rid of all the eggs and nymphs. Placing it in a bag will prevent the eggs from dropping from the infested room to the washing machine.
3. Sun all pillows, bolsters, blankets. (If you can sun the bed, it is best to do so. If not, you have to treat it chemically.)
4. Stand up the box spring and shine a flashlight through the gauze fabric and look for bed bugs. If the fabric is torn (possible hiding place), remove fabric to prepare for spraying. Spray the box spring with "Potion 3", "Potion A" bed bug spray.
5. Bedside dresser, furniture. Remove drawers from desks and dressers since bed bugs like to hide in these areas.
6. Next, vacuum the furniture, box spring, rails, headboards, foot boards, bed seams, tufts, buttons, edges of the bedding while scrubbing infested surfaces with a stiff brush to dislodge eggs. Dispose of vacuum cleaner bags after you are finished in an outdoor trashcan. If your vacuum cleaner don't have come with a cleaner bag or water tank, do not vacuum with it as it will most likely spread the eggs all over the room instead.
7. After vacuuming, all furniture should be pulled away from the walls. Spray the entire furniture, box spring, bed seams with "Potion 3", "Potion A" bed bug spray. Dust the corners, electrical wiring casements, furniture edges with "Bedbug powder".
8. Let it air for 1 hour before packing it back.
9. Repeat treatment "steps 1 to 8" again after 2 weeks. This step is necessary as all chemical treatment could not kill the eggs and the eggs are so tiny that it is almost impossible to see. It takes around 2 weeks for the eggs to hatch and once hatched the chemical can easily kill the newly hatched eggs.