EMIT Drain fly Aerosol Spray is a ready-to-use water-based aerosol foam formulation. When sprayed, it generates a thick visible wet foam to fill drainage pipes effectively controlling drain flies where they are found or suspected. Sutable for use in homes, commercial kitchens, toilets & bathrooms.
TARGETS: Drain fly, Sewer fly, Moth fly(Psychoda spp.)
CONTENT: 450ml
FOR USE: Control drain fly, sewer fly, Moth fly.
Suitable for use in homes, commercial kitchens, toilets & bathrooms.
This formulation works as follows;.
(1) Once sprayed, foam bubbles carrying the Active Ingredients will thoroughly spread and contact all parts of the drainage pipe.
The foam will
(2) Breakdown & Dissolve organic matter clinging to the pipe's internal surfaces.
(3) Penetrate and Kill all stages of the drain flies (Eggs, Larvae, Pupae & Adults) due to our highly effective A.I.
(4) Dissolves, Loosens & cleans organic matter at the bends and elbow. (Destroy breeding grounds)
(5) Penetrate and Kill eggs, larae & pupae harbouring in organic matter at the bends and elbow.
(Eliminate the organic matter at its source and prevent further infestations.
Flies harbouring in structurally damaged drainage pipes. Organic matter leaked out of the pipe to the surrounding soil. Drain flies breed outside of the enclosed pipe.
Shake Well Before Use.
Choose a suitable timing (Before bedtime or shop close)
(No Usage for 3 hours after application)
Before 30 mins
To effectively utilize Emit Drain Fly Aerosol Foam, ensure no washing 30 mins before application. This is to ensure that the wastewater in the pipe is sufficiently drained and the water level is at its lowest.
Application to Wash basin
Insert the spray straw deeply into the pipe and depress the actuator to release the pressurised foam. Stop when the foam starts exiting the spray entrance. Let the foam sit undisturbed for 2 to 3 hours for optimal efficacy.
Application to Floor Trap
Lift the floor trap cover. Insert the straw into the drain pipe, and depress the actuator. Strong pressurized foam will fill the pipe and help to dislodge organic matter clinging to the side of the pipe. Repeat until the pipe is filled with foam.
After 3 hours
**IMPORTANT! Do not wash or use the tap for 3 hours. Using the taps will release water down the pipe, diluting the Active Ingredients and rendering the treatment useless.
Minor Infestation - Repeat treatment for 3 consecutive days.
Major Infestation - (Old hardened organic matter buildup) - Extend treatment to a week. A stiff brush may be required to scrub and dislodge aged organic matter buildup.
Please cover all fish tanks and bee hives prior to use.