This bedbug killer/repellent sachet is formulated with oil extracted from natural products and encapsuled in a time-release agent. 1 pack last 1 month.
Method 1
Rub sachet all over luggage and place sachet in bags and luggage to prevent bedbugs from hitchhiking.
Method 2
Rub the sachet all over the bed especially on the edges to repel bedbugs in hotels.
Help protect your family by not bringing these pest Home!
These irritating Bedbugs reside in carpets, beds, chairs in hotels and buildings and likes to crawl into your luggage and unwittingly bringing the unwanted pest into your house when you return. Bed bugs feast on human blood and its bite can cause redness, swelling and in some extreme cases, can be hospitalized.
This bedbug killer/repellent sachet is formulated with oil extracted from natural products and encapsulated in a time-release agent. It will constantly emit a natural scent that surrounds your belongings giving it protection against this pest.
Protect you and your family by not bringing bedbugs back home along with your belongings. You will not know whether you are staying in a bed-bug infested travel area until it is too late.
The sachet is designed and formulated to use in backpacks, luggage to repel against bedbugs. Can be used in hotels. Rub sachet to bed and bed frames to create an invisible barrier against the bed bugs.
1 pack last 1 month.