For Severe Bed bug situations. "Come to us when all else has failed."

We understand your despair when dealing with bedbugs. Sometimes, re-infestation occurs and we need more than 1 bottle to deal with the situation.
PEST BOX “BOX B” Active Ingredient, Imidacloprid SL is an high efficacy neonicotinoid formulation, Specially formulated to deliver safe (can be sprayed on beddings), effective and dual mode of action killing ( kills bedbugs by both contact and ingestion) of bed bugs that last for months (residual action)!
Photo credit: Xiaolong Zhu (NYU)
Unlike other imidacloprid, it has a new crystalline structure bring you up to 9X faster effects. Imidacloprid is part of the family of neonicotinoid insecticides, which act on the central nervous system of insects by binding to the same receptor as nicotine. When Bed bugs crawl on surfaces sprayed with imidacloprid, the insecticide molecules are absorbed from crystals through their feet, disrupting their nervous systems and killing them.
100ml Concentrate contains 20% Imidacloprid A.I.
( Dilute to 4L Sprayer bag- Not Included)
After Dilution, 0.5% of Imidacloprid per 4L of solution
For use indoors (in bedrooms)
Ideal for:
Places where a high level of "EFFICACY" is required.
Places you are dealing with bed bug issues and would want a solution that works.
Not For:
Direct spraying to food products.
Direct spraying to pets and animals.
Direct spraying to linens, blankets, and cushion covers. (These should be bagged and washed at high temperatures)
Firstly, once bed bugs contacted the active ingredient, it paralyse their central nervous sytem (meaning no more biting & sucking blood).
Secondly, it offers residual protection, killing remaining bedbugs as it crawls over the sprayed area.
Supreme B dries to form micro-crystals which get ingested by bedbugs as it grooms. The more comprehensive the spray coverage, the higher the efficacy. Thus spray as many places as possible where bedbugs roam. Beddings and furniture are safe to use once it dries.
"Microcrystals will form as it dries"
Put on nitrile gloves. (Provided)
Put on safety goggles and face masks. (Own)
Fill the application mixing bag with water halfway. Twist open the pesticide concentrate bottle, and carefully pour the content into the application mixing bag.
Rinse the concentrate bottle with water and pour it into the application mixing bag. Fill the application bag up to the 4L mark.
Insert the power sprayer tube into the application mixing bag and tighten it securely.
Shake the bag well to mix the pesticide thoroughly.
Remove the battery tab at the end of the power sprayer.
Your Sprayer is now ready to use.
Surface Spray (Indoors): Apply directly to mattress and box spring surfaces For porus surfaces, such as mattresses and carpet areas, apply till thoroughly damp but not wet. Infested bed linens should not be treated. These shoud be removed, tightly sealed in a plastic bag, laundered and dried at high temperature prior to re-use. Using pin-stream, spray directly to mattresses paying attention to seams, folds, tuffs and edges as well as bed frames and box spring where bed bugs harbour.
Spray to
Bed mattresses
Box Spring
Bed frames
Surrounding furnitures
picture frames
Crack & Crevices treatment: Adjust the spray head to allow a jet stream. Project the jet steam into the Crack & Crevices area. Pay attention to force the spray into all cracks and crevices
Avoid spraying near to bed time. The re-entry time of the product is 2 hours after spraying.
There is a need to conduct a preventative treatment 10-14 days after your first treatment to kill emerging nymphs.
Remove pets, birds and cover all fish tanks, aquarium before spraying.
This product is highly toxic to bees. Do not apply this product or allows its drift to blooming crops while bees are actively visiting the treatment area.
Proudly Made in Singapore