Non-toxic cockroach spray to repel and kill cockroaches. Especially suitable for treating German cockroaches wandering on utensils and food containers.
- Suitable for treatment of German cockroaches.
- Kills and repels.
- Provides rapid elimination of cockroach population.
- Safe to use on food utensils or containers.
Spraying of conventional chemical pesticides on these food containers or utensils will kill adult roaches, however, we may unwittingly consume some of these pesticides if the containers are not washed properly.
This formulation can provide a quick elimination of cockroaches without toxic pesticides. The problem arises when roaches start crawling all over the food containers or utensils in search of food or shelters. However, you will not see such activities as it happens at night and the tell-tale signs are the roach feces and the smell associated with it.
The mode of cockroach repelling and killing is derived largely from a natural food compound extracted from the Cassia Lignea plat. It is an approved food additive.
Please follow the labels and instructions attached to the bottle carefully for a successfuL quick-relief treatment.
All possible areas where the bed bugs may access must be treated.
Comes in a 1L bottle.Made in Singapore